Monday, October 19, 2015

Self confidence at an all time high

When I started this journey I was adamant that I was just doing it to stay alive.  I didn't care how much weight I lossed or what I would look like (other than old!) rather it was about getting off blood pressure meds.  I had no expectations of what has happened to my spirit since my belly surgery.

Where do I begin to catch you up?....
How about my physical transformation?
December 2014 vs October 2015

October 2014 vs October 2015

Until this current photo was taken, I had no real concept of how much I lost.  I saw it in my face. I saw it on the scale. This before/during photo...shit got real!
I posted this picture on FB a week ago and I cannot begin to describe the love that was bestowed on me.  I knew I was fortunate with the amazing people I have met in my life. I just didn't know how damn loved I was.  I know everyone likes a good success story and I'm honored to fulfill the newsfeed with something great! Cause you know what, what I have done is great! In choosing to share my journey, I have begun to help others that are curious to investigate surgical intervention to help in weight loss.  I have promised through and through to remain raw and honest.  I haven't held back from a single person that has asked. This was a scary decision but a decision I knew I had to make. It's not for everyone but it was for me!

Some more milestones have been achieved!
I rode on my first roller coaster in god knows how long!  Not only did i fit in the seat, I didn't have to use the wider seats at all.  I rode every ride and can't wait to ride more.  It wasn't the coasters that blew my mind, it was all the walking.  I think we walked the park a full 3 times only sitting when on a ride. I wasn't out of breath. I wasn't tired. I wasn't the fat girl who can't do anything anymore.  I now have ambition to do more physical things. Maybe a 5k? 

My self image is at an all time high.  I am enjoying my friends and family seeing my transformation and supporting me.  I haven't gotten a single look yet that made me feel uncomfortable. You know the look I'm talking about, the one sick people get, or the one you get when someone feels bad for you.  Everyone has been so extremely generous and kind.  In fact, so much so that I've been able to believe that I deserve goodness in life.  I love to look at myself in the mirror and weighing myself every day.  Its small victories really.  These victories led me back to the dating world. Currently spending time with a special guy and enjoying the getting to know you process of young relationships. At the very least, this relationship is allowing me to feel good and desirable and to top it off, believe it too.

Food update! It's cheep chicken Monday at acme where you can get an 8 piece for $6.99.  I haven't had any fried foods but I figured I could peel the skin.  I was only able to eat half a chicken breast and it barely got down. Sadly, I drank water to help get it down and got sick.  Normal problem but one I hate.  So still need to eat slow and steady.

Anywho, I now know that I want and I CAN get under 200 pounds. Can I get there by Christmas is the question?
*photo taken 4 pounds ago!!!

Starting weight 296
Current weight 221
75 pounds down!!


  1. I tried to post this earlier, but don't think it worked...

    Anyway, you are just amazing and I love seeing how happy and motivated you are! Your hard work is really paying off and your bravery has led you to these new roads! One step at a time and I have no doubt you will not only reach, but exceed your goals! What an empowering story!

  2. Oh my! I think I got this now and I hope 3 comments are not posted from me. This post brought tears to my eyes. I am so, so, so happy for you! Although we have not seen each other in a very long time, I am proud of you and can feel your sincerity through your words. You have always had a light and spirit to you, and I am glad you now "own" it and understand how special you!

  3. I'm so happy to know you've got more energy and are feeling better about yourself! You look fantastic, and not just the "belly" part, the spirit in your eyes is glorious.

    PS. I'll run a 5K with you! :-)

  4. YOU ARE AMAZING! Can we do a "Anne's First 5k" Race and Party after? We can invite everyone we know!
