Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The journey continues...

I realize it's been a while since my last update. It's been just a mundane couple of weeks.  Weight loss slowed down a bunch but had a lot to do with lack of exercise.  

Today, I went to my final post op appt (another one in six months but just general check up) and really had to face some issues out loud.  The numbers on the scale are great! Really! 61 pounds down since my journey began. I've always said I don't have a number goal, I just want to feel good.  Well, I don't feel as good as I should.  You see, if I rest followed the program, I would be closer to 75 pounds down by now.  

Honestly, the easy part was electing for surgery and going through with it.  The hard part is still in front of me like a baracade.  I need to get around it.  In order to beat the challenge I must slow down when I eat. Even though I only get 3-4 bites of food down at a sitting, I need to really take the time to eat, chew, and digest.  Those 4 bites should take 30 minutes to consume.  I also need to get up off my ass (or lack there of) and exercise. I've been using the excuse of losing my job, selling my house, and having depression as to why I haven't been exercising.  I don't have excuses anymore. I'm back to work, I need to get serious.  I have the cutest pup in the world and he deserves to be walked and tuckered out all while I get moving!

Not all is lost however.  I have a few milestones I would like to share!
First...I can finally get my fingers to touch around my wrist.
(pardon the man hands!)

Another small victory, I can wrap a regular sized bath towel around my body!   Granted there is a little peep show happening still, but the point is I can tuck it around and it stays! Like I said, small victory but a victory none the less.

Officially, my clothes are too big. But, I will continue to wear what I have until I have an income to shop. I'm actually really excited to go to Goodwill!

For those considering surgery, I still say go for it!  It's a mental beast but worth it. I'm now on regular foods as long as I can handle things.  I still stay away from most carbs.  Pasta doesn't really go down well for me, so that's a plus.  I'm testing things out as I go.  Sadly, a slice of pineapple gave me heartburn but watermelon was awesome! I'm sticking up on different varieties of frozen dinners.  It's not ideal but as a single gal, it's cheap and practical.  Budget meals are $1 each and Lean Cuisines are like $2.50 . I select high protein ones to get my daily intake.  I also really enjoy Veggie Stix as an alternative to chips.  They give you lots of your daily veggie allowance and also a serving is huge!  Premier Protein drinks are still part of my daily routine as well.

Current weight 235
Starting weight 296

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sip, sip, sip

I'm starting to hate water. As much as I crave it, I'm really beginning to hate it.  You see, you constantly need to sip through the day.  Keep hydrated.  Keep digestion moving.  64 ounces a day.  Sounds simple, but I have no room!!  

The hardest task with liquids this far is being told you cannot drink 30 minutes before or after you eat.  I simply cannot bide by this rule.  I must have a swig of water to finalize my meal at the very least!   And when I say meal, I'm being extremely generous.  What I really mean is my quarter cup of scrambled eggs or my quarter cup of ricotta cheese mixed with some sauce to appeal to the Italian in me.

Earlier this week I started blending my vanilla protein shakes with berries to get more of a milkshake concept. This actually worked for me.  Filled me up and gave me the sense of living on the edge! Only kidding! It was tasty though!  I need to figure out more ways to be inventive. I know it's nothing new to most. We are Smoothie Nation these days.  I refuse to drink kale or spinach! No way, no how!

Earlier this week I started to try different things like fish or hard boiled eggs to get my protein.  My body did not like the egg.  I'm still on the puréed process but my nutritionist gave me the ok to eat some softer items as long as they were really small.  I pushed the envelope with that egg.  It was the second time is a week that I experienced "dumping syndrome."
It's been a learning process for sure.  The biggest lesson is that I need to do what the doctors tell me and not rush anything. 

The plus side, with getting real foods in me with protein, like the fish I ate yesterday, I was able to give enough energy to my body to enforce more weight loss.  You see, I wasn't getting much food in as I was full on water.  Therefore, my weight loss slowed down.  This morning, I happily woke up to 4 more pounds down!

^remember, I'm unemployed so don't judge the lack of pedi!

Current weight: 238
Starting weight: 296
Weight lossed: 58